Friday, July 01, 2005

The Friends You Love to Hate,

or, A Walk Down Memory Lane,
or, People (me) Who Hate People (you) Who Love People (me) Who Hate People (you)

Keeping with my strange track record regarding the bus (i.e. the camel) I wasn't particularly surprised to have another close encounter today. It was a pretty straightforward experience: I saw a random person on the bus who, for about two seconds, looked like an old college friend. I did a quick sneaky double-take and
quickly established that it was not, in fact, my friend. It was one of those moments that can happen hundreds of times a day and generally passes without a second thought. However, with the idea that I would need interesting material for my fiendish blog stuck in the back of my mind, it got me thinking. It took me back on a sappy, syrupy trip down memory lane.

Awww... how sweet, you fiends must be thinking, but HEY! This is ME! Do you really think that my college memories are sweet? Do I seem like the type of person who embodies "sweet?"

So this girl on the bus looked like my friend "S" (my attorney, Dr. Gonzo, has informed me that using real names could either get me sued or get me a reality show). A little background
on S. We met years ago in college when I was working the door at one of the crazy punk shows we held regularly in the dirty, nasty, crazy, fabulous, activist-ridden house in which I was living at the time (a blog on that at another time, my fiends!). I have no memory of this meeting, as I was probably drunk at the time, but I have been reliably informed by S and several other people that I was "very mean" to her, and didn't want to let her in (knowing myself as well as I do, I'm sure the story is true). You can see we hit it off right from the start.

Somehow this led to us becoming friends. She eventually became my roommate in another house, after my previous roommate proclaimed his undying love for me and when it was not reciprocated, stole $1200 from me. S remained one of my roommates the next year when we moved across the street to a group house. All in all, we were friends for several years until she finished school and moved away.

But this story is boring and where the hell is it going and what the hell is the point?, some fiends may be asking themselves. The point, fiends, is that all the years we were friends I couldn't stand her; at times I hated her! Huh? She was a friend but I really disliked her. End of story.

So maybe that means she wasn't really my friend. Let's get Matlock on this and examine the evidence:
  1. We socialized together, including going out to bars, clubs, movies and coffee shops
  2. We threw parties together
  3. We lived together for two years
  4. We shared gossip and secrets and girly stuff like that
Based on this evidence, the logical conclusion is that S was my friend.

  1. She annoyed the hell out of me
  2. Every time she spoke I cringed inwardly
  3. I hated the fact that she was my roommate
  4. I gossiped about her with other friends
Based on this evidence, the logical conclusion is that S was not my friend.

But just so you don't think I'm more of a fiend than I really am, in my defense S was a major pain in the ass. She was a drama queen, she was loud, she was obnoxious, she had to be the center of attention at all times, she was more boy crazy that any person I have ever met, and she was self-righteous (a vegan who liked to throw her "enlightened" status in the face of everyone else - and she hated animals too!). To make matters worse, she was scarily close-minded and conservative when we first met, then later turned into somewhat of a nymphomaniac.

So while I may feel like somewhat of an evil fiend, I'm sure I'm not alone in having been in this weird situation. Maybe it's more common than I realize, and maybe everyone has one or two friends that they really don't like. Please understand that I am not referring to acquaintances here, but FRIENDS - people you spend large quantities of your free time with by choice.

Hopefully this isn't the part of the blog where you are expecting me to have learned a valuable moral lesson about the meaning of true friendship (make new friends but keep the old, one is silver and the other is SHUT THE FUCK UP!). A year ago I
randomly met up with S in DC and we spent part of the day hanging out. We went out to eat, caught up, gossiped about mutual friends, had a few beers, and parted ways promising to keep in touch (riiiiiiight...). Guess what? I still can't stand her. Only now that we don't live together, socialize together, throw parties together, and gossip and share secrets together, I can move on to the relatively uncomplicated task of disliking her without being her friend. Ahhh... sweet simplicity...

One caveat: Despite the vitriolic rant you have just finished reading, I am actually quite a nice person. S is the exception rather than the rule when it comes to my friends. And my fiends. Will you be my fiend?


Metlin said...

Wow, that was deep!

We've all had our share of horrible "friends" and roomies, haven't we? One of my past roomies when I first joined GTech was this incredible jerk (whom at that point I did not know was a jerk).

Anyway, we did have other roomies in the house (it was a huge 4 bedroom apartment) - but for some reason, this guy would pick fights with me (and we were supposed to be friends). Well, needless to say, I cared two hoots and ask him to fuck off. It did not stop at that - this dude took it upon himself to make sure that all my relationships, friends and the like were screwed over.

And when I went for the summer internship, this dude literally trashed up the house and it ended up spoiling my rental record.

So, by that accord Allie, you're lucky! :-| I'd do anything to beat the crap outta that sucker.

Metlin said...

And oh, btw - cute pics! (-:

Snow Crash said...

You like the pic? You can tell I'm the one on the left? So anyway, the weird thing about this girl is that she really WAS one of my best friends. I just couldn't stand her though. We never fought or anything. Outwardly we were great friends. It was strange...

Snow Crash said...

BTW, that pic is an actual photograph of me and my friend.

Metlin said...

It's you on the left?! Really!? Wow, I'd never have guessed, dang!

Ouch, I've some stories to tell you about "best friends" - but am not sure if a public blog is the best place. =)

Metlin said...

Ofcourse it is. It's a black-and-white photograph with some redeye, ain't it lass?

Snow Crash said...

Hi data! I'm not really worried about S reading the blog because we have been out of touch for about two years. It would be very improbable for her to stumble across this blog. Although I guess stranger things have happened!

Anyway... cameras... My camera of choice is the Canon AE-1 Program. It's a camera that was made in the late 70s/early 80s, and while new ones haven't been made in 20 years, there are plenty of places to buy one (eBay comes to mind).

An AE-1 Program in good condition with the original 50mm lens can generally be bought for $100 or under. The price starts to go up when the camera is sold with other lenses. The original 50mm lens is excellent but limited, but the AE-1 Program can use any Canon FD lens (or non-Canon FD lens).

Canon, in general, if an awesome brand of camera but the new models are $$$$$$$$ CHA-CHING! That's another reason why the AE-1 Program is a great camera for the non-professional photographer. Despite being old, the AE-1 Program is super reliable and takes great pics!

This is probably way more info than you wanted,but I hope it helps. Let me know if you would like to know anything else. :)

Snow Crash said...

One more thing Data -

Even if S somehow reads the blog, I'm not certain she would recognize herself. I think that people often don't realize how others perceive them. For all I know, she could read the blog and think "Wow, that S sounds like a real bitch..."

Metlin said...

If S reads her blog, Fiendetta will make some evil concoction and feed her to a giant hamster and a gianter cat.

And then, she'll send her a greeting card that says some nice things and try to make gianterer hearts made out of chocolate that will eat what's left of her.

Once that's all done, she'll take pictures. In black and white, mind you.

purple said...

OMHsh, I think everyone knows someone like this! When I was in college I majored in theatre, acting spacifically. Those people have heads that can't fit through the door.hehe I had many "friends" like this. But they considered me to be the annoying one because I spoke my mind as they sat siglently judging. But I had the telepathic abilities to read their minds so I knew they didn't like me and just made sure I hung around to annoy them a.m.a.p. I was older and was friends with all the guys in that department which lead me to only one conclusion: that they were just jealous! :-P

Snow Crash said...

LOL purple! you crack me up! :D I envy you and your telepathic abilities! :D

purple said...

But its true! hehe