Monday, July 04, 2005

Two Thoughts...

Hello, my fiends. Unfortunately I have no misadventures to regale you with tonight (this fiend is strangely sleepy despite the early hour) so I wanted to leave you with two small thoughts.

First, if you really want to know what it means to be a true fiend, get your fiendish butts on over to Making Fiends. This is not a fiendish request, it is a fiendish command. Obey, my fiends!!! You won't regret it!

Second, I wanted to give a mention to a fantastic documentary that I watched last night and highly recommend: Dogtown and Z-Boys. Even if you're not a skateboarding fan (I'm not), this is a well-written documentary that makes great use of excellent of source material. It gets two fiends up!

1 comment:

Metlin said...

Aye, I second both of that! I owe fiendetta for having introduced me to Making Fiends, a fiendishly excellent show.

And if you were wondering what Dogtown and Z-Boys is about, it's a history of skateboarding, of sorts (and surfing, to an extent). It mixes stuff from the Zephyr skateboard team from the 70s and 80s with some more recent stuff, and shows the evolution of the punk-culture and styles of the Z-boys.

Both are very highly recommended! (-: