Sunday, July 17, 2005

Wanted: Two World Class Art Snobs

Last weekend my fiendish twin came for a visit. I had invited her up to DC for the day to view an exhibit of the works of one of our favorite artists, the nineteenth century Japanese printmaker, Hiroshige.

Since I live 10 minutes from the National Mall, I am a frequent patron at museums of all types, especially art museums. However, since the museums I generally frequent are Smithsonian museums (hence, free), I have somewhat of an attitude about paying to visit museums and galleries.

Fun Side Note: When I visited the American Museum of Natural History in New York last year, I raised such a fuss about being charged admission to the museum that they gave me the student discount just to shut me up. I was somewhere in the middle of a grandiose speech about the sacred responsibilities of guardianship of ancient and unique objects meant to be held in trust for the people of the world, when they practically threw the ticket at me and waved me into the museum.

The Hiroshige exhibit, unfortunately, was not being held at a Smithsonian museum. Rather, it was being held in one of the small, chic, self-conscious galleries that appear ten to a block in certain District neighborhoods. The cost of two tickets plus various surcharges (from a certain evil Master of Tickets, who shall remain nameless upon the advice of my attorney) came to $25. The posh look of this ritzy blog notwithstanding, my fiends, I am not made of money. However, since my sister and I both desperately wanted to see the exhibit, I forked over the money and we made our way into the gallery.

The exhibit itself was fantastic, and my sister and I were thrilled to see Hiroshige first editions up close. However, the gallery was packed, and not by the t-shirt-wearing, map-carrying, ice cream-eating tourist types who flock to the National Mall and the Smithsonians. Rather, these were Burberry-accessorized, Prada shoe-wearing, $250K per year art snobs. These are the people who spend their weekends patronizing fancy galleries, peering disdainfully at the artwork, and talking in snooty sounding artspeak. These are the kind of people who you may believe exist only on TV and in New York. But that's not true; they are real. They are really real

Now being the fiends that we are, my sister and I view such people as fair game. Therefore, we decided to go with the overused yet utterly appropriate philosophy of "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em." And since my sister and I were raised to believe that we can be the best at anything we set our minds to, we were determined to outsnob the snobs. So we raised our chins, pointed our noses upward, and became... ART FIENDS!

"Observe," I murmured, in my most blue blooded manner, while peering disdainfully at a print. "One can see the influence of eighteenth century Dutch traders in the Anglo-style rendering of the backdrop."

"True," replied my sister, in the frosty tones of a Rockefeller. "Yet the strong lines and concise proportioning of the foreground are reminiscent of early Edo-period woodcuts."

In this vein we murmured our way through the many rooms of the exhibit. We threw out artsy words and phrases that we had picked up various places, while having no idea of the actual meanings; words such as "chiaroscuro," "grisaille," "lavoro di intarsia," and "parsemage." By the time we worked our way to the end of the last room, the other art snobs in the gallery were backing away from us in confused fear and respect.

Mission accomplished! We had won! We had outsnobbed the snobs! We were fiends triumphant!


purple said...

LOL, I always seem to start my replies to your blog with that expression. You have cornered the market on Fiendish experiences! I am utterly amazed at the sheer quality of the randomness of your life. hehe Another good one my dear Fordie. I can only hope to someday attain your brand of snobbiness that you so freely wave about with completely blatent braggadociousness for all to see!! I bow at your feet.

purple said...

blatant* :D

Snow Crash said...

hey Matt, tell ya what! when you move to "the District," if you ever decide you wanna meet up, we'll make the rounds at several snooty galleries. keep your goatee, wear a black turtleneck, memorize some art terms (you don't even have to know what they mean), and we'll be good to go!

Metlin said...

Oh man, that was fiendelicious!

I'm actually scared of artsy people. With their post-modernist bullshit and buzzwords, they're worse than the management drones that spew the word paradigm in every third sentence.

You should consider writing a series, Allie! The tales of Doogle Snoogle the Snooty Booty in art & art galleries.


Anonymous said...

$25!! and i bet they didn't even have a moving sidewalk! what a crock!

Metlin said...

Sidewalks move?

Snow Crash said...

I sure hope this is the Kacey I'm thinking of. The one who thinks that moving sidewalks are awesome too, and doesn't like to wait in line to see Toulouse-Lautrec! Hi Kacey!!!

purple said...

ok snow, lets hear about it! You are due for another entry.

Anonymous said...

Snow, I have never laughed so much in my life (or at least since the first time I watch "Letters From Pegasus" or I heard about Toby the Turtle... :-P) as when I read your blog entries the other day. I had to stop reading at one point because I couldn't have kept from laughing any more and since I was at the library I couldn't really srart screeching with laughter could I? okay don't answer that. but anyway so I had to print it all out and bring it home to read, but when I got outside I just started laughing and laughing people passing by must've thought I was a nutcase! And then I stopped to read some of it at the park (I really lost it when I got to the part where "G" says "Look, there's a butterfly! Let's follow it and it will lead us back to the path" so I was dying to see what happened next.) and I was laughing so hard, the ducks were looking at me like, "wow what a werido" "It really is funny, honest!" I assured them but I don't think they believed me because some of them flew off to the other side of the lake/pond/thing.
You made my week Snow! Oh and then there was the whole french toast conspiracy always cheer me up! :-D
luv, Iris

Metlin said...

Wanted: New Blog Entries, Replies to E-mails, PMs, IMs and blog comments. :-p