Thursday, June 30, 2005

The Conspiracy Continues?

I saw something odd on the bus ride home from work today. I was sitting in a window seat, staring at the traffic and zoning (my usual bus activity) when a truck pulled up next to the bus with one of those long horse trailers attached to the back. The trailer was one of those open models with lots of grating and windows so you could see right inside. And what was this trailer carrying? A horse perhaps? Good guess, and normally you would probably be right, but I have been having an odd day, so, sorry, no horse. It was a camel! A big golden camel! Strange... Could this have something to do with the french toast? What would Matlock do?


Metlin said...

Does camel piss smell like toast!? Wow.

Snow Crash said...

I wasn't close enough to be able to answer your question. I recommend that you investigate, write a full report, and never show it to me. :p

Metlin said...

Can I get you a sample though? :p

Snow Crash said...

include it in the report. ;)

Metlin said...

But I want to get you a sample! :(

Snow Crash said...

like i said, include it in the report. :p

Metlin said...

We can keep at it all day. :p

Snow Crash said...

Don't make me get all Matlock on you! :p

Metlin said...


purple said...

Snow, this is funny! Camels, Matlock, French Toast? You are so divers in your interests. Very well rounded.

purple said...

Oh, ya, I hate bad grammer and spelling too, but since I cant' spell very well myself it would be hypocritical of me to say that! hehe

Snow Crash said...

That's okay, Purple! My big pet peeve isn't isn't innocently misspelled words. Those can't be helped. It's more of the lazy internet spellings that people use. (do U no wat i mean? n e 1?) :)