Thursday, June 30, 2005

The Conspiracy Continues?

I saw something odd on the bus ride home from work today. I was sitting in a window seat, staring at the traffic and zoning (my usual bus activity) when a truck pulled up next to the bus with one of those long horse trailers attached to the back. The trailer was one of those open models with lots of grating and windows so you could see right inside. And what was this trailer carrying? A horse perhaps? Good guess, and normally you would probably be right, but I have been having an odd day, so, sorry, no horse. It was a camel! A big golden camel! Strange... Could this have something to do with the french toast? What would Matlock do?

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

The Great French Toast Conspiracy

Since I don't feel much like working at the moment, I have decided to attempt to solve the mystery of the french toast. In order to maximize my investigative and detecting skills, I have decided attune myself with the ancient philosophy know as WWMD (What Would Matlock Do).

My hypotheses so far are as follows:
  1. Government-created mind control agent meant to keep the population passive by making everyone think that they should be relaxing and enjoying brunch
  2. Karthik-created mind control agent meant to keep the population passive by making everyone think that they should be relaxing and enjoying brunch
  3. Meltdown at the nearby french toast factory/nuclear power plant
  4. Aneurysm affecting the olfactory center of my brain

I love brunch!

French Toast is in the Air...

I should begin by saying that I work in the midst of downtown DC, where Code Red refers not only to a terror alert, but also an air quality alert. As the weather gets increasingly hot and humid (you fiends are aware that DC was built on a swamp, right?) the air quality drops. Anyway... I stepped off the bus this morning to walk the short distance between the bus stop and my office. Since hot weather has arrived, the morning air downtown usually smells strangely like urine (or at least it smells like how New Orleans smelled when I went there a few years ago for the Sugar Bowl - i.e. urine!) but this morning the air was filled with the strangest smell. Can you guess? (look at the title of the post, silly fiends! look at the picture!) It smelled of french toast! Huh?

Hopefully this isn't the part of the entry where I am expected to solve the mystery of the french toast smell because, my fiends, I haven't a clue. Since as of right now there is only one fiend who reads this blog, unless he knows why (do you know why, Karthik?), I think this is either going to have to be filed under "Unsolved Mysteries" or "X-files," whichever one is less likely to get me sued for copyright infringement.

What the Hell is this Blog About?

I have been questioned by a particularly impudent fiend as to what theme or themes are going to be encompassed in my blog. Well, besides my theme of being anal about weird internet shortcut spellings, I'm pretty much going to use this blog to talk about whatever I feel like. I hope all you little fiends are happy now...


This is my very first blog entry. Not only that, but prior to this my only experience with blogs has been to kill time at work reading blogs. From what I understand, many blogs have themes: politics, music, etc. As far as I am concerned, the only theme for Fiend is going to be correct spelling and semi-correct grammar. (wat do U mean U R going 2 use correct spelling?) Wow, my first entry and a major pet peeve already revealed!

First things first! SUPER INCREDIBLE THANKS to my super incredible friend (or fiend?) Karthik, who not only set up this blog for me, but also designed an amazing website to showcase my photography!!!